Farewell Cash
He didn’t come to me as a puppy. He came to me as a three year old dog that needed a home. The home he was in had changed and they didn’t have time for him anymore.
The old dog that I had was retired and was living his best life on the couch. So this guy needing a home and me needing a dog made this a match. So he came to live with us and we were off to the uplands.
It wasn’t really that easy. We had to spend the summer getting to know each other. I had to figure out how far along he was in his training. He had to learn to go with me. This one was something that he never truly mastered.
This was the dog that drove me to buy a GPS collar because he would run out of range for me to hear the bell around his neck.
This is the dog that would rather eat a bird than retrieve and so he made it so I had to learn how to train a retrieve.

He is also the dog that got me interested in running Hunt Tests and Field trials because of how much run he had in him. On a side note he did finish his Junior Hunter Title but that was as far as we went.
We took friends and family on hunts. Some were the first hunts for people, and some were with more experienced hunters. Through this I made a couple of really good friends and some lifelong family memories. So, the credit goes to Cash for bringing us all together.
As the years went by, I didn’t notice the hands of time creeping up on him. It wasn’t until I got a younger dog that I started to notice the gray in his muzzle where the orange used to be. I started to notice that he was as quick as he used to be.

Then he started to have back issues that caused him to retire. He would want to go but his body wouldn’t be able to hold up.
After some time, a lump appeared on his leg. We all know what that is, so we don’t need to elaborate about that now.
Recently as a result of his illness he crossed the bridge. This little tribute doesn’t tell the whole story but is my way of saying thank you Cash for the memories and making me a better Dogman.
Enjoy your time with four legged friends because we don’t have a lot of time with them.
That being said if you ever run into me in the uplands ask me about Cash and I will be more than happy to bend your ear with stories and anecdotes as we walk.
Thinking of you and raising a setter etched glass in toast to Cash. Losing our beloved dog is never easy. It is definitely the worst part of owning a dog.
Thanks Maggie. He is missed and he was a challenge, but he made me better and he was really a true hunting companion. He will be missed.
The longer you have them, the harder it is to let go. I know that feeling more than I want to. See you soon my friend as yes, we’ll talk.
That is a true statement. You get so used to having them around and then all of a sudden, they are not with us and that is a strange feeling. Thanks for the encouragement and we will talk soon.